I remember the day you were born September 4th,1972 at Northside Hospital in Youngstown,Ohio at 8:39 pm. You were so tiny ,only weighed 5 pounds - 10 ounces . You were a beautiful baby girl. I was all alone, Larry Hillier was your adpopted father, he took care of you.
You were a Happy little person most of the time. Growing up you started having some health problems,about 3 years old you were diagnosed with Juevinile Rhuematoid Arthirits , you cried all night and I knew something was terribly wrong.You were in and out of Hospitals all the time.
As you got older ,things got worse.You were always having one thing after another wrong with you. I mainstreamed you through School, which was really hard for you.You went to Easter Seals for therapy and for speech. All during school hours and trips to doctor visits.You were a little trooper.
Although you were in and out of Hospitals all your Life,you never complained about it. You were the bravest little person I knew.You loved Music,going to the lake and dancing.You had a rough and tough Life.
By the time you were 12 years old ,Larry and I got Divorced and you and I were very close to each other.Things were tough but we made it. You never complained or never wanted anything I couldn't afford.You liked the simple things in life.
You loved going to the lake and we would take pizza to eat because it was easier than packing everything,you loved it.Than we would go for a long drive ,have ice cream than go home,by than you were ready to go to sleep.
You Graduated in "1991" ,was a very happy day for me,I was so proud of you up there getting your Diploma.You were nervous but you did just fine.After Graduation you started getting Depressed and wouldn't get out of bed or eat.I was really worried about you.That's when all your problems started.I had to work long hours (12 Hour days) I had nobody to stay with you, we were on our own .The Only Family member we had to Help us was your Aunt Patty and she was sick and dying from "Cancer".
You were diagnosed having Mental problems and with all your health problems I had to get help,couldn't leave you by yourself any longer.No Family to Help so I had to go the Agencies. Your health was getting worse,had to get HELP. So this Agency took you in and you seemed to be doing ok,you started getting Happy,had people your age around you and going to workshop everyday.Long story short,that didn't work out,went in & out of places for years.I hated myself but I didn't know what to do ?
You had open heart surgery and almost died but you pulled through that.As the years went on your Arthiritis gotten worse,to the point were you couldn't walk anymore on your own.By this time you were with YDC Agency,they thought the best thing was to get your Hips replaced.I really was worried about that.I had good reason to worry. You were Happy at YDC ,they took real good care of you. You were always clean and ate well.
Long story short ,you had your 1st hip replaced on August 7th,2007--- it was a long and hard surgery,you had a tough time,they had to put a trache in you.On the 15th transfered you to Hillside Hospital ,you were there til September 7th,2007.Than went back to YDC ,they took care of you ,had to keep the trache in until the next surgery because the doctors said they had such a hard time in surgery trying to get the tube down to your lungs and you airway was too tiny.
You developed pnemonia from the trache October 3rd,2007---nurse said they were treating her with antibiotics.
Than the day came to go back to Cleveland Clinic to get your 2nd hip replaced ,I was worried because of the pnemonia,they assured me that it was gone,so on October 23rd you had your 2nd hip replaced,the next day at 11:05 am you were Dead.I am so ,so ,so sorry baby girl that I let them do that to you.
I'll always remember you loved to dance and now I know your dancing with Elvis and Michael Jackson (you loved them both).You loved your puzzlebooks and Spongebob ,you watched him all day! I know that Aunt Patty is taking care of you until I get there to take over for Eternity.Your were a brave person here on Earth and I know your keeping them laughing in Heaven like you did here on Earth.
Your "LIFE" too little,too short and over too soon.You will always be remembered ,never forgotten. I will Love you Forever,my Tears are not a sign of weakness but over whelming power of Love and Greif.